Saturday, January 31, 2015

Animal Therapy

Hello there all,

Today, I have had quite an off today, and to cure this hangup, the best cure was cuteness. Since the Mister and I do not have a pet :(, we took to the internet.

First, we watched over an hour of cute videos on youtube including this adorable video of "Puppies vs Stairs."

I'm not gonna lie. We look up a adorable animals a bit more than the average person over 7 years old. However, cute animals can cure all ailments. Since, there is never enough cuteness. Here are some other cuties to make YOU smile.


Happy Heart exploding,

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Thankful Thursday: books

Hello there all,

I've always had a love for books. It all started when I was young, and I wanted to read the The Little Mouse, The Red Ripe Strawberry, and the Big Hungry bear (Longest Children's book title...ever) a million times. Growing up, reading was a love that pervaded until I reached middle school. My love for reading subsided, and reading started to become a chore instead of a hobby. Reading started to become something that was necessary for classes, and  I enjoyed many of the books that I read for class. However, it seemed a nuisance at times to HAVE to complete the task. All of the fun of reading was taken from me, and I mainly just indulged in assigned reading for classes.

This feeling continued throughout high school and most of college until I took a class in college that was focused on teaching literacy in the college classroom. As a part of the class, we read the book The Misfits which literally changed my life. Don't get me wrong: this book is not the best piece of literature ever (however, it is good). The part that changed my life is the exposure to literature that I enjoyed that wasn't the typical scholarly assignment, and it went crazy when I read Stargirl. At this moment, I really started to realize that I didn't have to just read the classics or things weighted with themes and symbols (however, I do enjoy reading books with that). Afterwards, I wanted to read everything in sight, and the love for reading came back again. There was enjoyment and happiness associated with devouring stories.

Previously, I felt that the literature that I consumed had to be "heavy" literature, and this is not the case. Admittedly, I hate confessng this because I think that it sounds like I don't enjoy stories with some literary value which I find highly untrue. Just within the last year, I have read things like The Reader, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time, Hedda Gabler (to name a few), but I also enjoyed things like the Flight, the Eragon series, or David Sedaris' essays.

Over the last couple of years, I have enjoyed reading again, and yes, I haven't read as much as I would like, but I DO read a lot more than I did. This past year in particular, I have read A LOT. With two hours commute everyday on public transportation, a book can be a girl's best friend. It is a wonderful way to spend the time and to escape the loud crying children on the bus.

Books are these powerful tools that bring so much joy in my life. They allow me insights on others ideas, stories, and they allow me to travel to a whole other place. It is a lot cheaper than a plane ticket!

For 2015, I made a goal to read 12 books this year, and I just finished my 4th book. I think that I might get to the goal ;). I am so thankful that I have found my way back to appreciating a good book, and I have the opportunity to sit and read them.

What is your relationship with reading? Are you a reader? Why/why not? Any book recommendations?

Happy reading,

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Free Find: Portland Art Museum

 Hello there all,

Who doesn't love a good free adventure? I am a sucker for anything free especially when it comes to fun experiences! I am always looking for neat things to do that can be a nice inexpensive adventure, and when those adventures are free, it makes my heart sing.

From the exhibit "Forbidden Fruit"

The Mister and I happened upon the Portland Art Museum's Free Friday which (the fourth Friday of every month) . The Museum is free from 5-8pm. It is a perfectly wonderful idea for a cheap date or a great place to introduce kiddos to art. It seems to be an especially wonderful opportunity to take kiddos because you don't have to worry about bolting if they get fussy because you didn't pay for it!

This piece is called The Rodeo, but the Mister thinks it looks like Gollum attacking. I have to agree.

The Mister says it is an alien black market, and I say it is a city next to the river. Who wins?

Be aware that the museum does have a lot more people than usual because it is free, but it is still a great way to expose yourself to some beauties.

This one has been one of my favorites in the past, and it still makes me swoon. The bottom is the big picture, and the top shows what makes up the actual work of art. It is pretty swoon worthy.

Go get your art on,

Monday, January 26, 2015

DIY: Vintage Handkerchief Banner

Hello there all,

Awhile ago, the Mister's mom sent us a beautiful selection of vintage handkerchiefs that had belonged to women in his family. Being me, I thought of a million different possibilities, but the Mister wanted to make sure that they were left in tack and not sewn or anything (they are heirlooms after all!). I've used a couple of the beauties throughout the house for decor to sit on (kind of like how people use doilies). However, I wanted a project to use multiple handkerchiefs, and so, this banner was born.

What you'll need:
-Vintage Handkerchiefs
-Twine, string, rope, etc.
-Ruler or measuring tape
-tacks, nails, or other hanging devices

What to do:
1.) Measure how long of a piece of string that you will want for your banner. I used 80 inches for mine. It worked perfectly for 6 handkerchiefs. 
2.) Calculate how many handkerchiefs will hang on that piece of string. You do this by folding the handkerchiefs in half and then lining them up on the string.
3.) Iron the handkerchiefs in half to get out any folds or creases. Be super careful because some handkerchiefs are made from synthetics, or they are super fragile because they are old!
4.) Drape the string where you want it to hang and place the handkerchiefs on the string. The string should rest at the fold that you made while ironing.
5.) Marinate in your awesomeness.


Sunday, January 25, 2015


Hello there all,

Curious on what is going on around here?








What is the lowdown?
1.) Messy desk at work? Always.
2.) Skee Ball and dinner at East Burn
3.). Tonight, I went to a Meetup at Green Dragon. It was for a book club, and I was incredibly scared to meet with the group of strangers. However, I am incredibly happy that I did, and I met some really amazing people. Additionally, I am able to cross that off the list of goals for this year.
4.) Just a beautiful building on Division that turned out to be someone's residence. Coolest house.
5.) A delicious Solstice Mocha at Rain or Shine Coffee. What would a Snapshots post be without a picture of coffee?
6.)  Free Friday at Portland Art Museum. There will be a post about this later on this week.
7.) Thumb Mafia is serious and tragic business.


Thursday, January 22, 2015

Thankful Thursday: Patience

Hello there all,

This week has really been a real gift for me at work. It has really showed me why I love working with those that have dementia. It is an incredibly rewarding experience, and I am so thankful for the skills that my job has given me.  The amount of patience that I exercise daily is trying and rewarding.  It is not always there as much as I want it to be, but I am thankful that I have it to enable a loving/understanding environment for my residents. By enabling myself to not fret and worry,  I am able to see my residents for the wonderful people they are.  Also,  I am so fascinated at seeing how they complete tasks that others view as usual everyday tasks. You can watch their brains strain to complete these tasks, and you see them tackle the obstacles in new ways.  The brain is a fascinating thing!

I am grateful for my patience to allow me to work with these hilarious and ridiculously caring individuals. It allows me the privilege to be a part of their life, and I am able to see the world in so many different lenses. These people have truly changed my life.


Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Dressing in What Makes You Smile

Hello there all,

I have always realized that when I love what I am wearing that I feel infinitely better. Therefore, I would wear my awesome outfits on days where I needed an extra boost for a day (first day of school, sick, a date, etc.). Recently, I discovered how ridiculous of a choice that was because I should do this everyday! If I wear things that make my heart smile often then I feel better and walk a little taller and smile a little brighter.

What does this mean? Purge. Purge. Purge. I have been trying to toss anything that makes me feel anything less than wonderful. Why would I keep the shirt that I makes me feel fat? Or why would I keep the skirt that I always have to pull down? Guys, if you are clinging onto clothes that don't make you feel beautiful then get rid of them! You are just preparing for more days of feeling unhappy. Also, it makes finding clothes in the morning just a little bit easier. You don't have to shuffle through all sorts of clothing to find something because you will open up your closet to several things that make you smile.

After donating some several things, I feel wonderful. I just look at what I'm wearing and it makes me smile. It may sound superficial, but the way we present ourselves is important to everybody. When you feel good about how you look, you have a happier disposition. It is totally working for me.

Moral of the story? Get rid of the junk and rock your amazing duds. Your gonna feel like a rockstar in no time.


Sunday, January 18, 2015


Hello there all,

This week has been a very chill-zo week, and here is just a look at how adventurous I was ;).









What is the lowdown?

1.) This is the 3rd book for this year already. I shot to read 12 this year, but it seems like I may get there a lot sooner. Also, this book is hilarious.
2.) I have been working on dressing in what makes me happy lately. More on this later this week.
3.) Getting rid of ALL the things! Simplifying and it feels great.
4.) Video game night! The Mister is pretty pro at games, and he is teaching me the ropes.
5.) Doodles before nommy Chinese food is delivered. There is a tree with our initials and a pig wearing a sombrero.
6.) We played a new card game: Jaipur. Us and all the games lately.
7.) Bipartisan Cafe really makes me swoon. It is such a delightful little place, and I nerd out over all of the historical photos and the beauty of the old building.
8.) Making some art for our walls.


Friday, January 16, 2015

Food Focus Friday: Pieper Cafe

Hello there all,

Let's talk about food for a second. In case you have somehow been living under rock these days, I am kind of in love with food. However, aren't we all kind of about food? Neglecting the sights, smells, and tastes of a delectable feast, food is so much more than the sensory experience of consuming the food. Food is community. Food is gathering, and food is creation.

We work to create sensory experiences to create a communal activity for all. We show our love for others by creating nourishment and experiences for others. Through this labor of love, we are able to create a moment to remember.This is why I am infatuated with experiencing new places to eat. Through visiting these places, I am able to taste a bit of the labor of love of many different individuals. Additionally, I am a sucker for a great atmosphere and a tasty, well tended meal.

On Food Focus Friday, I am hoping to spotlight places that are excellent in creating something delicious, and they possess that little something extra. They seem to understand that food is about by creating community and showing appreciation for others by sharing a delectable experience of noms.

This sounds so snooty, and these places are anything but that. Moral of the story? These people get food.

With all of that said, my first choice for Food Focus Friday is a neat little place that the Mister and I happened upon last weekend for the first time: Pieper Cafe. Why is this place so neat? Well, it gets that whole food thing that I've been talking about. We stopped in just for coffee (yes, coffee is food!), and the Mister and I both had mochas which were so delicious. I ordered a caramel mocha which I was pleasantly surprised to learn that they make their own caramel. YUM! They make their coffee with Stumptown coffee, and the flavor doesn't disappoint.

Pieper Cafe has a delightful balance of nommy deliciousness along with a cutesie atmosphere. Get a load of those mushrooms on the tables and the black and white checkered flooring (I am a sucker for black and white checkers)! To top this all off, THEY HAVE PINBALL! If a place has good coffee, they are usually okay in my book, but if you give me pinball. SWOON!

If you are in the mood for some great coffee and want to team it up with some EXTREME PINBALL, head to Pieper Cafe and show your taste buds some love.


Thursday, January 15, 2015

Thankful Thursday: Washing Machine

Hello there all,

A couple of weeks ago, our washing machine decided that it didn't need to work anymore. Well, it decided that it didn't need to drain, leaving the most disgusting stench in our little laundry area. We had been without a working washing machine for far too long.

Over the past couple of weekends, we have braved laundromats and we even washed our clothes in the bathtub (with a large stainless steel paddle). It was all very Little House on Prairie-ish in all of its ghetto-ness. BUT today, we finally got the dang machine fixed, and I have never been so excited to do laundry! How wonderful to be able to do laundry in the comfort of my own home. It is the little things in life that we neglect to appreciate.

This is to you Washing Machine because I have neglected to see how freaking awesome you are, and I also am so happy that you get to do all the work while I contemplate the mysteries of the universe. Thanks Washing Machine, you are pretty awesome. Let's keep being friends, deal?

This little guy (the Mister drew him) stands guard in our laundry room. He has seen better days with all of the water wear, but the imperfections are what make him...him.

What are you thankful for today?


Monday, January 12, 2015

Winter is Swell

Hello there all,

Why does winter get such a bad wrap?  It allows us the opportunity to slow down,  wrap up with a cozy blanket, and snuggle next to the ones we love. Winter is full of comfy layers,  rain on rooftops, delicious smelling candles, and warm drinks.  Only during the wintertime do you get to wake to magical wonderlands of snowfall and wear a thousand layers of wool goodness.  Winter is magical.  Am I the only one that sees this? 

Here's to you winter for bringing many more days of staying warm and for giving me moments of comfy coziness with those that I love. Thanks winter. You rock (even in March when I am over the cold and want the warmth back)!


Sunday, January 11, 2015


Hello there all,

Take a gander at what has been going on this week.








What's the deal?
1.) Yesterday, the Mister and I explored the FoPo area (Foster-Powell area), and we found it to be a pretty cutesie neighborhood. We just drove down Foster early this week to get to Hawthorne, and we decided to explore it a bit this weekend. This mural was on the side of the Bob White Theater. 
2.) Today, the Mister and I headed downtown to meet up with my mom. We went to Kells, Cacao, and Powells. My mom has never been to any of these places, so we gave her a mini-Portland tour. We also went and showed her this epic view that the Mister has from work. It isn't even fair. How could you get anything done with this view?
3.) I made some earrings with some found shells from Newport.
4.) Delicious coffee from Pieper Cafe. Also, the table....swoon! More about this place later this week.
5.) This week, I have been pretty lame, and I nearly lost my voice. Friday, I finally settled down and took the day off because I just about died on my long day of work that I had Thursday. What does that mean? Crafting, taro smoothies, and hours of Gossip Girl.
6.) Lately, I have been trying to be more adventurous and go outside of my normal walkways to places. The reason? This way, I notice more neat-o things around. This piece of graffiti is a perfect demonstration of that because it is pretty close to my house, but I have neglected to see it until this week.
7.) I have been craving this meal from El Cubo de Cuba. Seriously, this place has food that dreams are made of. It is so insanely delicious. This is the Pollito Bowl which has this awesome mixture of sweet and salty. Oh man, why am I not eating there now?
