Friday, October 10, 2014

Snapshots 2

 Here is this week in review:









The Breakdown:
1. A selection of delicious mini doughnuts that the Mr. and I had at Pip's Original Doughnuts. The raw honey and sea salt doughnut made us swoon pretty hard.
2. Aluminum squirrel that I received with my leftovers from Montage. My favorite part of going there is that they wrap their leftovers in all sorts of crazy fun things. I've gone before, and I got a giraffe. I was a bit too excited for the squirrel.
3. Street art in Beaumont Village.
4. Fennewick (my bike) got new fenders! They make me a bit too excited. I am excited for the rain with these puppies now.
5. A on the side of the road find that I recovered with the cutest fabric. Kids fabric makes me too excited.
6. Our butternut squash is growing!
7. Down the street by my house. The writer of this is obviously my soul twin.
8. It has been a very rough week at work. This is how clean my office was at the end of today. You should've seen it earlier this week. It is substantially cleaner....


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