Saturday, June 20, 2015

Just Some Reads 2

Hello there all, 

Here are some interesting reads that I have found around the interwebs as of late.

  • I am working on my morning routine because I am soooooo not a morning person.  This article has some great tips.
  • This one has some great pointers, too.
  • Cleaning up around here, and I need to remember these.
  • I'm a sucker for old photos like these colorized portraits.
  • These restored photos are also magical.
  • This made me tear up. Pictures of what true love looks like.
  • I need to make this recipe.
  • Dreaming of rainy days and the adventures to have on those days.
  • Love these tips to help me disconnect from work and be an even more successful person.
  • video that connects Portland's past with Portland's present. I love it.

Happy reading,

Thursday, June 18, 2015


Hey there all, 

Life is grand,  and I feel happier than I've been for awhile.  Life seems to be falling into place.

First spring harvest: broccoli and romaine. 

Currently,  I am working on a project at work called: Lessons of a Lifetime.  I asked my residents: What does freedom mean to you?  This is what one of my residents said in response to my question.  

Just a little happy corner of the home. 

Portland exploring. 

Got these hop earrings that I no joke have been lusting over forevs.  Finally found the source: Hopped Up Jewelry.  Beer girl drool. 

The Mister and I bought allllll the plants for me to kill. 

Waffle Window always makes my heart smile. 

North Waterfront exploring. 

Busy bees

Dinner at The Original: chicken and waffles, poutine,  chocolate peanut butter milkshake,  and "artisan"  hot pockets.  We're totally adults.

This week has been extra busy and messy  at work because I have a big family event tomorrow.  This is what my office looked like when I left today. 


Saturday, June 13, 2015

DIY: Rock gnomes

Hello there all,

It isn't really a secret that I love to paint/draw on rocks. I think it has to do with the fact that is an easy medium, and I don't feel like I am wasting anything if I mess up. The rock can just go right back in the dirt. It takes away some of that fear of failure.

Also, I have a love for gnomes. Yes, I think it is the granola/old lady gardener in me. After seeing, Jesiiii's brooch gnomes. I was inspired to make my own gnomes for plants around my house.

Here's What You'll Need
  • clean rocks
  • paint brush
  • paint pen (optional)
  • chalk
  • dishwasher safe decoupage

Here's How to Make the Cuties

1.) Draw the rough outline of the gnome with chalk on the rock.


2.) Using a flesh tone, paint the face of your gnome. Let this dry, and if you need to do any more layers, make sure it dries before starting step 3.

3.) Paint the hat of you gnome. Let the paint dry. As you can tell by the next picture, I had some hat color issues arise.

4.) Paint the shirt of the gnome. Let dry.
5. Paint the beard/mustache. Let dry.

 6.) Outline any features that you want to stand out with black. I used a paint pen for this, but you could use a small paintbrush. Have fun and enjoy adding little details like buttons. Let this dry.

7.) Add white detailing to make the eyes pop. Let this dry.

8.) Add a layer of dishwasher safe decoupage. Let it dry and add a second layer of decoupage. Let it cure for 24 hours before putting it near a plant. If you just want to use this for decoration, you can skip this step, but I wanted the gnome to be waterproof for when I water plants.


9.) Make the gnome some gnomies, so he doesn't get lonely.

That's it!

 Also, this gnome is my favorite, so I wanted to show him off a bit more :).

Happy crafting,

Monday, June 8, 2015


Hello there all,
This week has been full of too much heat, beautiful people,  and crafts!

I adore moments like these of sitting on the patio just doing our own thing but being together. 

Recently,  all of my shoes decided to die,  so I have been doing some major shoe shopping lately. Fun fact: I may be the only girl that hates shoe shppping.  

National Donut day breakfast before partaking in more donuts at work... 

Found what might be our new burger joint: Slowburger.  Sooooooo good. 

Asian market mall.  Love. 

Cutesie outdoor seating for the birthday celebration for some of my favorite people: Annie,  Vanessa,  and Rend. 

Definite summer in these neck of the woods.  Homemade popsicles for the win! 

Hands down THE cutest mural that I have ever seen. 


Monday, June 1, 2015


Hello there all,

This was my first official week back having a car, and it has been glorious. I feel like so many more opportunities are open to me, and I have this heightened sense of independence again. I missed this.

Here is the week in review:

Had tea in one of my favorite tea shops. There are many memories in this magical train. What do I love most about this place? Do you see that it is a car? They even have some of the old seating available to sit in. It is kind of magical.

Just a delicious Solstice Mocha at Rain or Shine Coffee . This place is definitely one of my go to coffee places.

What do YOU call this guy? Roly poly? Potato bug? Pill bug? Something else?  Let me know in the comments.

Always junking. I rarely buy any of the stuff at antique stores, but I just love the stories of these things. Also, who knows what weird thing you will find?

This  place had delicious food and a great amount of gaming opportunities: darts, foosball, pool, board games, shuffleboard, etc. But this might be the creepiest entrance to a pub ever.

Enjoyed some delicious/HUGE burritos at Blue Goose Cantina for my friend, Annie's, birthday.

On a whim, I went to a park semi-close to my work because I needed to kill some time. It was about 15 minutes of trail where I saw no one but butterflies, bunnies, snakes, and delightful flora. It was a magical place, so in Autumn fashion, I left a little note to share some "love".

Fun fact: I have a small collection of old black and white images that I think tell a story. Over the weekend, I added these guys to the collection. Aren't they marvelous?
