Saturday, February 14, 2015

Happy Vale-hate day

Hello there all,

In the bitterness of my solo college years, my friends and I would celebrate "Vale-hate Day" or single awareness day. I thought that finding someone would make me all mushy/sappy about the holiday, and yes, I do appreciate the holiday much more than years past. However, I feel like this holiday is such a silly thing. We shouldn't need a holiday to remind us to love each other. We should do it everyday and celebrate the feelings we have constantly. With that said, I do love a good reason to celebrate love, so the Mister and I are running away to get out of town for the holiday.

A way that the Mister and I celebrate our love daily is a "Today, I love you because..." board which I made for the mister a couple of a Christmases ago. It is something that I really appreciate because it forces us to celebrate all the little and big things about each other. I think individuals sometimes forget to celebrate that love, but this is a perfect example of integrating the celebration of your love constantly. It is also kind of fun to try to think about new things that we love about each other.

making ginger basil lemonade

Happy Vale-hate day,