Thursday, November 6, 2014


Hello there all,

Here is the last week in review because a picture is a lot better than reading a thousand words









The Sitch on the pictures:
1.) My brother and my nephew being adorable with each other while we were all out having dinner for my other nephew's and my birthday.
2.) An adorable beer can bicycle that the mister made me. It was originally a part of the birthday scavenger hunt, but he liked it too much to wait to give it away.
3.) I cracked the Mister's Mulan cherry. We then learned all about how your duty is to your heart in Mulan 2.
4.) I am slllllowly getting the hang of my sewing machine.
5.) This week has been a particularly rough week on public transportation and I. This is why I wrote the article about surviving the commute: as a reminder for me.
6.) Remember, Remember the 5th of November.
7.) The boy knows the way to this fat girl's heart: donuts.
8.) A big highlight for me was Growler's Hawthorne AND Ft. George retweeting, favoriting, and responding to a tweet about this blog. The little things.

Hope you have a good rest of your week,

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