Friday, January 1, 2016

Goals for 2016

Hello there all,

Happy 2016!!!

Sparkly shoes mean NYE business
It is that time of year again where we all have the opportunity to start with a new chapter. Up until last year, I pretty hated the concept of New Years Resolutions, and I felt like the overall concept was kind of humdrum. However, I now relish in the opportunity to sit down and think about the person that I am currently: to develop an execution plan for the person that I want to be. Never have I had such positive feelings about the year before the year even starts. There is something about 2016. It just seems like it is going to be my year. There are already such wonderful things coming our way this year which I am excited to start talking about on here.

Onto the goals already....

 In case you can't read my writing:
  • Being more present and put away distractions more often
  • Learn to cook/bake something new
  • Drink more water
  • More consistent blog posts
  • Develop a healthy living routine
  • Write more snail mail
  • Eat out less often
  • Take 3 hikes
  • Host a family dinner/event
  • Start an Etsy shop
  • Make the new place a home
  • Nourish my relationships
  • Complete the sewing E-Course

Now, I have read several articles that suggest keeping to a few simple resolutions, but I feel like this list is more of a collection of to-dos than a list of lifestyle changes. There are a couple of lifestyle change ones, so I feel like it still aligns to the suggestion. If not, I do what I want.

More about these goals:
  • Being more present and put away distractions more often- I have become too dependent on multitasking in so many areas of my life. At the time, it seems like it will help me be more productive, but I feel like this hurts relationships and general experiences. The main proponent of this is playing on my phone and not being as active and present as I would like to be.
  • Learn to cook/bake something new- It is always fun to learn something new, and I love noms. I want to be more intentional and purposeful in what I cook, so it would be fun to learn something new.
  • Drink more water- Always can improve this because I am just awful!
  • More consistent blog posts- I've been lame, and I love this blog. It is such a fun creative outlet for me.
  • Develop a healthy living routine- I am overweight and aching constantly, and the only way to improve this is to improve my lifestyle choices in this realm.
  • Write more snail mail- Who wants mail? You want it. You got it-just let me know!
  • Eat out less often- This is so draining on funds and is also so unhealthy. The Mister and I have relied on this a lot because it is easier, and we also enjoy the fanfare of it. However, the rate we do it is just not practical.
  • Take 3 hikes- I did not go on a single hike last Spring/Summer, and this makes my soul cry. I need this boost to get out in nature because I love it so much!
  • Host a family dinner/event- My home has never been the scene of a family event, and I plan to change it this year. My home has never been ideal for entertaining large groups, but this is going to change soon (More on this on a later blog post).
  • Start an Etsy shop- I love to create, and I love having money. This just seems like a natural step :). Hoping to have this up and going in the next couple of months.
  • Make the new place a home- A new place is coming our way in 2016 (like I said more on this soon), and I want to make the house feel like a real home. Something that we have both really lacked since we moved out of our parent's homes.

  • Nourish my relationships- Relationships are important, so I want to make the people that I love know that I love them!
  • Complete the sewing E-Course- I signed up for a sewing E-Course awhile back, and I never really did anything with it. This year though, I will be a sewing machine!

Here's to fulfilling goals and being amazing!

What are your goals for 2016?


PS Here is what I said about goals last year.

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