Hello there all,
December has came and gone all too
quickly. Really though. Am I the only one that felt like December
legitimately flew? The holiday season came and went so fast this year.
am going to start a little something around here where I talk about
monthly favorites. It will be a random mix of things that I have been
crushing on in the last month, and there won't be any rhyme nor reason
other than I like them.
Photo from this Cupcake calendar from Paper Craft. |
Let's get on with the December Favorites shall we!
Pore Strips- Ya'll,
I don't know what it is about them, but I am in love. I remember these coming out forever
ago and thinking it was weird, but let me tell you; I am hooked. There is
something about them that I just love. It is this wonderfully gross
entertainment to investigate the strips after you tear them off. Santa
even brought me some this year because he knows how much I have been
digging them.
This is what I have been using.
Honey Lavender Tea- As
every December proves to be, this December was ridic stressful, and I
have been looking for anyway to destress. Awhile back, I saw
Ingrid Nilsen talk about
tea over on her Youtube channel. This month, I tried it, and it is so
delicious. It isn't overly fragrant or old lady-ish (as lavender can
be), but it is just the right amount with a splash of the honey. It is just lovely.
Redfin- The Mister and I have been using
site/app pretty non-stop throughout the month. We were using Zillow for
awhile, but Redfin has more up to date information and uses MLS
listings to develop their list. Their website can be a little
frustrating sometimes, but it really has been helping us in this
Reading out loud- Now, this
might seem a little strange to ya'll, but last month, I thought that it
might be nice to read a book out loud to Andrew. We have done random
stories in the past, but it really became a bit of a thing this month. I
think it was because we have been trying to spend less money and be at home
more. It has been a perfect way to spend time together, and it is so fun
to be able to talk about the story as we get into the book. We
started/finished our first book last month which is another of my
December favorites.
Divergent (novel)- I'm a
little behind as far as this book goes because I am pretty sure that
everybody has already read it. It is just a really interesting, fast
paced novel with an adventurous/mysterious plot line. Also, I have a bit
of a thing for dystopian books/movies: Hunger Games series, 1984, Maze
Runner series, V for Vendetta, etc. So, it isn't a huge surprise that I
would like something in this category. I would definitely recommend
this series to someone looking for an interesting read.
New laptop- It has
been such a blessing to have a laptop again and feel like I can
continue doing this. Plus, there is something so wonderful about the
tactile nature and clickiness of a laptop that a phone lacks. Please
tell me that other people understand what I mean.
What were you loving in December? What thing are you digging that I need to dig, too?