Sunday, January 31, 2016

We got a house! Part One

Hello there all,

So, something that I have been DYING to talk about on here is that we got a house! We just got the keys on Friday, and we are in love. There is a lot of work to be done, but it already feels so us. I am over the moon with excitement and decorating/planning in my head every waking moment.

ANYWAYS, let's get onto the fun part: photos!


Backyard views

It even came with a cute little greenhouse in the corner

Basement/Lower Level

I'll be back soon with more pictures of the main level and second floor. This is just one VERY picture heavy post already.


Thursday, January 28, 2016

Just Some Reads 3

Hello there all,

Here are some fun things that I have enjoyed on my side of the internet lately.

Always trying to learn how to be a morning person

How to enable and encourage play in your household

This video is so beautiful: the music and visuals make me swoon.

Everyone wants to be happier. Here are some ways to get there.

Having trouble leaving work at work? Try this solution.

Because the Teenage girl in me still loves internet tests, and the adult in me cares about style and decor. Here is a great style profile test that got me pretty well.

I am a sucker for cute dog photos.

The internet has been full of Star Wars theories. This one is my favorite so far.

Interesting thoughts on sharing things on social media.

For some reason, I can't stop listening to this.

So true, too true. This video all about dealing with periods.



Saturday, January 9, 2016

Collector's Collections: Old Photographs

Hello there all,

Something you may or may not know about me is that I am a collector of many different things. Awhile back, I watched this video which talks about collecting and how creatives often are collectors because they see the beauty in so many places (I highly recommend the video because it also goes onto very interesting topics). This is why I collect so many things- I see beauty in so many different places. Also, I want to fill my environment with elements of beauty and happiness.

I'm starting a little something on here where I will share bits and pieces of some collections that I have. Some of them are much smaller (like the one that I will share today) and some are much more extensive.

The collection that I am sharing today is my collection of old photographs, and I know several people may think this is weird (and you are probably right). The photographs that I collect are ones that I feel have a story behind it. The photograph has to speak to me, and I have to feel like there is something extraordinary/unusual going on in the photo. I don't want to just have portraits of random individuals. I want to surround myself with wonderful, beautiful stories of others.

This is how I am currently displaying some of them, but I am working on a better method. It is just too cluttery/chaotic.

Here are some of the stars of the collection:

Left: I just love these two sitting together. It is such an intimate sign of affection which I don't associate with the times.
Right: I love how shy these two seem together. When I saw this, I assumed that the two cared for each other and a friend made them pose together. It embarrassed them, so the photo shows their endearing shyness.

Top left: Look at how totally independent and badass this group of women seem. They look like they are about to mess someone up.
Bottom left: The lady that is getting ready to throw an apple at the photographer just slays me. I love it.
Right: These three ladies all seem so elegant and dressed up. I imagine that they are three friends that wanted a reason to wear their wedding dresses again, so they are having a little party for the three of them.

When I found these photos, they were scattered throughout a pile of photos in an antique mall. Originally, I grouped them together because I was worried that they were going to be separated (I do this all the time at stores. Put things together that should go together or would be cute together). After marinating on it for awhile, I decided to grab them for myself. I was worried that this love story would be lost, so now, I get to carry it on for them.


Monday, January 4, 2016

December Favorites

Hello there all,

December has came and gone all too quickly. Really though. Am I the only one that felt like December legitimately flew? The holiday season came and went so fast this year.

I am going to start a little something around here where I talk about monthly favorites. It will be a random mix of things that I have been crushing on in the last month, and there won't be any rhyme nor reason other than I like them.

Photo from this Cupcake calendar from Paper Craft.

Let's get on with the December Favorites shall we!

Pore Strips- Ya'll, I don't know what it is about them, but I am in love. I remember these coming out forever ago and thinking it was weird, but let me tell you; I am hooked. There is something about them that I just love. It is this wonderfully gross entertainment to investigate the strips after you tear them off. Santa even brought me some this year because he knows how much I have been digging them. This is what I have been using.

 Honey Lavender Tea- As every December proves to be, this December was ridic stressful, and I have been looking for anyway to destress. Awhile back, I saw Ingrid Nilsen talk about this tea over on her Youtube channel. This month, I tried it, and it is so delicious. It isn't overly fragrant or old lady-ish (as lavender can be), but it is just the right amount with a splash of the honey. It is just lovely.

Redfin- The Mister and I have been using this site/app pretty non-stop throughout the month. We were using Zillow for awhile, but Redfin has more up to date information and uses MLS listings to develop their list. Their website can be a little frustrating sometimes, but it really has been helping us in this process.

Reading out loud- Now, this might seem a little strange to ya'll, but last month, I thought that it might be nice to read a book out loud to Andrew. We have done random stories in the past, but it really became a bit of a thing this month. I think it was because we have been trying to spend less money and be at home more. It has been a perfect way to spend time together, and it is so fun to be able to talk about the story as we get into the book. We started/finished our first book last month which is another of my December favorites.

Divergent (novel)- I'm a little behind as far as this book goes because I am pretty sure that everybody has already read it. It is just a really interesting, fast paced novel with an adventurous/mysterious plot line. Also, I have a bit of a thing for dystopian books/movies: Hunger Games series, 1984, Maze Runner series, V for Vendetta, etc. So, it isn't a huge surprise that I would like something in this category. I would definitely recommend this series to someone looking for an interesting read.

New laptop- It has been such a blessing to have a laptop again and feel like I can continue doing this. Plus, there is something so wonderful about the tactile nature and clickiness of a laptop that a phone lacks. Please tell me that other people understand what I mean.

What were you loving in December? What thing are you digging that I need to dig, too?


Friday, January 1, 2016

Goals for 2016

Hello there all,

Happy 2016!!!

Sparkly shoes mean NYE business
It is that time of year again where we all have the opportunity to start with a new chapter. Up until last year, I pretty hated the concept of New Years Resolutions, and I felt like the overall concept was kind of humdrum. However, I now relish in the opportunity to sit down and think about the person that I am currently: to develop an execution plan for the person that I want to be. Never have I had such positive feelings about the year before the year even starts. There is something about 2016. It just seems like it is going to be my year. There are already such wonderful things coming our way this year which I am excited to start talking about on here.

Onto the goals already....

 In case you can't read my writing:
  • Being more present and put away distractions more often
  • Learn to cook/bake something new
  • Drink more water
  • More consistent blog posts
  • Develop a healthy living routine
  • Write more snail mail
  • Eat out less often
  • Take 3 hikes
  • Host a family dinner/event
  • Start an Etsy shop
  • Make the new place a home
  • Nourish my relationships
  • Complete the sewing E-Course

Now, I have read several articles that suggest keeping to a few simple resolutions, but I feel like this list is more of a collection of to-dos than a list of lifestyle changes. There are a couple of lifestyle change ones, so I feel like it still aligns to the suggestion. If not, I do what I want.

More about these goals:
  • Being more present and put away distractions more often- I have become too dependent on multitasking in so many areas of my life. At the time, it seems like it will help me be more productive, but I feel like this hurts relationships and general experiences. The main proponent of this is playing on my phone and not being as active and present as I would like to be.
  • Learn to cook/bake something new- It is always fun to learn something new, and I love noms. I want to be more intentional and purposeful in what I cook, so it would be fun to learn something new.
  • Drink more water- Always can improve this because I am just awful!
  • More consistent blog posts- I've been lame, and I love this blog. It is such a fun creative outlet for me.
  • Develop a healthy living routine- I am overweight and aching constantly, and the only way to improve this is to improve my lifestyle choices in this realm.
  • Write more snail mail- Who wants mail? You want it. You got it-just let me know!
  • Eat out less often- This is so draining on funds and is also so unhealthy. The Mister and I have relied on this a lot because it is easier, and we also enjoy the fanfare of it. However, the rate we do it is just not practical.
  • Take 3 hikes- I did not go on a single hike last Spring/Summer, and this makes my soul cry. I need this boost to get out in nature because I love it so much!
  • Host a family dinner/event- My home has never been the scene of a family event, and I plan to change it this year. My home has never been ideal for entertaining large groups, but this is going to change soon (More on this on a later blog post).
  • Start an Etsy shop- I love to create, and I love having money. This just seems like a natural step :). Hoping to have this up and going in the next couple of months.
  • Make the new place a home- A new place is coming our way in 2016 (like I said more on this soon), and I want to make the house feel like a real home. Something that we have both really lacked since we moved out of our parent's homes.

  • Nourish my relationships- Relationships are important, so I want to make the people that I love know that I love them!
  • Complete the sewing E-Course- I signed up for a sewing E-Course awhile back, and I never really did anything with it. This year though, I will be a sewing machine!

Here's to fulfilling goals and being amazing!

What are your goals for 2016?


PS Here is what I said about goals last year.