Sunday, December 27, 2015

Revisited: Goals for 2015

Hello there all,

I once again apologize for my intermittent posts, but I was without a functioning laptop for quite some time. Yes, I could have blogged on my phone, and I did a couple of blogs like that. It. was. awful. Anywho, for Christmas this year, The Mister got me a refurbished laptop, so I can get back to this thing that I love.

At the beginning of 2015, I posted my goals for 2015 here. Soon, I will post what my goals are for 2016, but today, I am going to look back and talk about how I have done with my goals.

Here are the goals:
  • Sew a skirt
  • Improve my Spanish skills
  • Figure out health issues
  • Work on getting in shape by exercising and healthy eating
  • Increase blog readership
  • Hide 100 rocks
  • Go to a Meetup
  • Read 12 books
  • Milk a cow
  • Work on organizing the house
  • Send more mail
  • Drink more water
How did it go?

  • Sew a skirt- It didn't go. I made headway in getting to that point by getting necessary materials like rotary cutter and all that, but I haven't done it yet :(.
  • Improve my Spanish Skills- I made real headway on this one for awhile where I used this great app called Duolingo. What is great is that it enabled me to practice some skills that I had been losing without application.
  • Figure out health issues-I have visited a lot of doctors, dentists and a physical therapists within this last year to get things in order. Am I all the way there? No, but I have really tackled it, and my bank account is evidence of this.
  • Work on getting in shape by exercising and healthy eating- Everyone tries to do this at the new year, and we lose ambition after awhile. Unfortunately, I gained the ambition again later, and I have lost it again. I was doing well, but life is hectic. This will definitely be on my list for 2016.
  • Increase blog readership-Well, it was doing well, and when I posted, people responded which was great. But I lost momentum. 2016 is my year ya'll. Just wait and see!
  • Hide 100 rocks-I am sure of it, and I have also hidden other random things like money and toys.
  • Go to a meetup- Check! It was a book club meetup, and it was a great time!
  • Read 12 books- I surpassed this in the first couple of months of 2015! Cha-ching! I've talked about some of the books that I was reading on here.
  • Milk a cow- Noper, not even close....
  • Work on organizing the house- Definitely have organized bits and pieces to make things more functional and me more sane.
  • Send more mail- I'd say my mail sending is about equal to what it has been. I love sending mail, but I also feel so awkward in letters. It can be really difficult sending letters to someone that you already see so much information about over social media. Letters are so much more personal and meaningful than a text or a message, but it is really hard to chat about things in a letter when you know they probably already know about it because of social media. Is this just me?
  • Drink more water- I am doing better than this time last year, but I am unfortunately still doing awful.
All in all, I have had some great successes, and I have definitely bombed on some of them. Instead of getting down on myself that I didn't succeed (which I so often do), I am going to use this as a jumping off point for improvement for the future. I got this.
